Recently, at a fabulous iMarketing course in Toronto, I had the pleasure of meeting Steadman Graham. (For those who may not know, Steadman is Oprah Winfrey’s significant other.) Steadman had many words of wisdom that seem very appropriate for me to mention here.
As we embark on a new direction with First Response, our whole approach and thinking is changing. Seasons change and so must we if we want to keep riding the wave of life and success.
Health & Safety is ever evolving and the method by which people learn is evolving too. This is what has brought about the complete revamping of the First Response web site and a fundamental directional change. We will continue to offer all our courses in house, however we are extending our reach in several ways, firstly, with the new online university.
There are dozens of courses for both Canadian and US Health & Safety compliance available at your fingertips, that can be completed in the comfort of your own home or at your desk. Participants simply enter a credit card number and proceed, at their own pace to complete the course. At the end and upon successful completion, the student prints off their own certificate of completion. This will relieve the ever challenging issue that organizers have, of trying to get a group together at one location at the same time, to complete a particular course.
Obviously, there are some courses that just cannot be completed online, like the practical elements of First Aid & CPR and AED. All our clients can continue to expect to receive the interactive, personalized, hands on training with the most current course curriculum offered as they always have been, on site at your location and at off site locations as well
In addition, we now offer a full store for purchasing first aid supplies directly on line. This will enable clients across Canada to order 24/7 and to be able to pay via credit card or through pay pal.
In the coming months there will be more additions so stay tuned as I am extremely excited about 2012 for First Response!
Back to my meeting with Steadman Graham:
Steadman was speaking at the iMarketing event I attended and some of his words really resonated with me and I thought I would share some of his words of wisdom as they are very appropriate as First Response moves forward:
- Success is about the way that we think;
- What we focus on expands;
- Our vision must be bigger than our solution;
- Follow the seasons of change;
- Commit to your vision;
- Everything you do, do it the best you can do.
Steadman Graham and his words of wisdom will stay with me as I strive to position First Response as a leader in Health & Safety Training throughout 2012. After 17 amazing years of Health & Safety training, we look forward to continuing to provide you with state of the art Health & Safety Courses that are memorable and have participants leaving with a sense of feeling empowered and confident.