This is what can happen when you do things without the proper training & education: Chain Saw Accident causes compound fracture to leg:
This is not something which can happen to homeowners only during a tree cutting operation, this is the real deal! If you as an arborist choose to put yourself in a poor work position before you execute your work, you too can have an accident like this. Please educate yourself and train yourself to be safer, and it all starts with attitude!!!!!
First Response’s Comments:
How crazy is this Chain Saw Accident? Could this happen to you? You know very well it could! Please, please, don’t do this without educating yourself first! First Response has teamed up with Andrew Hordyk at who is a lead instructor for Arboriculture Canada in the specialized areas of Technical Tree Falling, Hazard & Danger Tree Falling, Tree Climbing, Work Positioning & Fall Protection, Tree Dynamics & Integrated Risk Assessment and Rigging. He has an excellent guide on his site to get you started!